"Junk Emotions are Like Junk Food--They Keep You From Your Best."

Both the idea of psychological nutrition (emotions and reactions that are nourishing) and psychological malnutrition (a false sense of obligation) are central to the book. The authors discuss how a steady diet of negative emotions crowds out positive emotions. Other concepts introduced include emotional anorexia and binge emotions are prevalent among those with a mindset of being “hyper-responsible” - usually found in middle-age and older people.
Psychological nutrition centers around doing for others out of obligation, rather than sincerity or love where the individual corners themselves into the role of a martyr, resulting in a life that is rather unsatisfactory and void of opportunities.
The authors suggest keeping a notebook to monitor emotions. There's plenty of apps to do that like Mood Meter, which for 99 cents in ITunes, is a bargain, is colorful with prompts for moving away from negative thoughts into more placid and positive ones.
I found myself breezing through the pages to find the most useful nuggets which I've shared here. Something to think about!