Organic Fruits & Veggies Delivered to Your DoorStep
This lifestyle hack to help you stay on track for eating well and good while saving time and having to decide what plant based food you want to shop for.
What IS FarmBox Direct?
What I Received, My First Impressions & My Review
How I Used my Veggies
Order & Pricing Info
Bonus #1: customers can customize their box with up to 5 substitituions with each delivery.
Bonus #2: No commitment
Bonus #3: You can also customize your schedule
Side note: I was given an InstaPot as a gift recently and have been using it for soups and it's great for cooking potatos. To the right is an affiliate link to Amazon. There are a ton of great recipes for cooking plant-based food. The main reason the InstaPot was on my wish list, was to eat more plant-based food - and easily.